Tonio - the networked audio watermarking provider

Tonio at the Radiodays Europe in Milan

Radiodays Europe 2015 took place in Milano, Italy, March 15-17, 2015 at Milano Congressi, aka MiCo.

Radiodays Europe is a conference specifically for radio broadcasting professionals can address challenges and share ideas for how to make radio better for listeners.

We introduced festgoers to our technology with the new Soundbike – a mobile broadcasting booth we use to make it easy to try a demo of Tonio.

According to the Radiodays Europe site, “Topics range from the future of radio in cars, the best radio-apps, the challenges of new music services, new radio formats, new research and new revenues, as well as journalism and innovations in radio.” That sounds like us!

Radiodays Europe is the biggest and most influential radio broadcasting conference in the world, delivering 100 speakers in 55 sessions over 2 1/5 days.

We are looking forward to sharing more ideas and furthering the dialogue next year!

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