A New Form of Advertising, Thanks to Tonio

In cooperation with cinecom, Tonio is being introduced to Austrian cinemas! This is a big step, considering the major cinema chains in Austria had formerly all agreed to ban cell phone use in the theater. The press release, “a New form of Advertising” is on the press wire APA (OTS). Advertisers can work with cinecon […]
Tonio Places Second in Futurezone Awards

Our team here at Tonio recently met up for an awards gala at Vienna’s incredible Muesumsquatier. The futurezone awards recognize the most innovative new technology projects in Austria. Nominees are judged by a panel of media experts. We were honored and very excited to be nominated by futurezone for the Infotainment Start-ups category, and elated […]
Tonio on Trending Topics

Our founder spoke with TrendingTopics about how Tonio is different from other sound-activated apps. Unlike in US companies, Novak is not about user tracking but about B2B business, says Jakob Steinschaden, editor at TrendingTopics. Read, Tonio: Why the Viennese start-up sends hidden sounds via TV and radio to smartphone apps. Original article in German; try […]
Tonio at Munich Media Days 2015

When we celebrated the world premiere of Tonio at the Munich Media Days in 2014, we could only guess what would happen before Oct., 2015. We are very pleased to be back at the media days and to look back on an exciting year with many successful field tests, the Austrian Radio Prize, and the […]
Tonio Receives the 2015 Austrian Radio Prize

The jury of FH St. Pölten has therefore decided the Austrian Radio Prize 2015 in the category “Best Innovation” goes to Lounge FM for “Tonio – Sound with Information: The World’s First Really Interactive Radio Quiz”. This technology represents a significant development for the medium of radio for which countless new applications are possible. The […]
Tonio at the Radiodays Europe in Milan

Radiodays Europe 2015 took place in Milano, Italy, March 15-17, 2015 at Milano Congressi, aka MiCo. Radiodays Europe is a conference specifically for radio broadcasting professionals can address challenges and share ideas for how to make radio better for listeners. We introduced festgoers to our technology with the new Soundbike – a mobile broadcasting booth […]
Tonio Delivers a Live Radio Quiz Right to Mobile

For two days, the future of radio was the focus of radio.hack, which was organized for the first time by the Bavarian State Center for New Media (BLM) in collaboration with the Institute for Broadcasting Technology (IRT) and the research project HbbRadio in Munich at the end of January. Radio.hack Europe brings together teams to […]
Tonio Interview in “Film, Sound & Media”

We are overjoyed that our founder had the opportunity to chat with with Film Sound & Media, a special interest magazine for the Austrian entertainment industry. This publication covers so many different types of media: trends in music and film as well as broadcasting technology, so we were especially honored to be included. Check out […]
Gründerszene Covers Tonio

Gründerszene, loosely translated as Founders’ Scene is a well-respected German magazine covering startups, the digital economy, and venture capitalism. We are delighted that they took the time to learn more about our new application of technology, as well as our goals for changing the way people consume media. Thanks to Lydia Skrabania at Gründerszene for […]
Radioszene on Tonio

The Viennese StartUp Tonio wants to close the gap between radio program and information online, says Björn Czieslik, Radioszene. Radioszene is a leading German magazine for the Radio industry. We are grateful for the amount of media attention our new concept has received. This story,“Tonio Links the Radio Program to the Internet” includes a 6m. […]